Tar and Gravel Roofing in El Paso, Odessa and Midland
In the past, a tar and gravel roofing system, also known as built-up roofing, typically consisted of tar paper. Today’s systems are made up of alternating layers of bitumen reinforced advanced materials that include fiberglass roof membranes. Licensed Inter Cubes roofing specialists utilize updated roofing technology for residential or commercial roof installation and also provide skilled tar and gravel roof maintenance and repair.
Tar and Gravel Roof Installation
Inter Cubes installs tar and gravel built-up roofing systems using advanced roofing technology that consists of layering high quality tar-saturated paper and liquid with gravel, asphalt, rolled asphalt, or modified bitumen. Layers are “built-up” to reinforce the roofing system and provide exceptional durability. The final layer of the completed roof installation is coated with bitumen (tar) and a layer of gravel to secure the entire system and to provide maximum protection from the sun’s UV rays and impact resistance.
Tar and Gravel Roof Maintenance and Repair
When properly installed and maintained by a qualified roofing professional, a tar and gravel roof provides property owners with a durable and cost effective system with an average lifespan of 20 – 25 years that can be extended with regular maintenance. Over time however, surface gravel may become worn down from wind, sun and weather damage and leaks can become a problem around flashings, chimneys, eaves and roof decking. Our experienced Inter Cubes roofing technicians promptly identify any built up roofing problem during a licensed roof inspection followed by qualified repair of roof leaks, gaps and holes. From the metal flashings to sealants, each roof component on both the interior and exterior of your home or business property is carefully evaluated as part of a preventative roof maintenance checkup that also includes practical recommendations for roof safety practices in between inspections. Inter Cubes provides detailed price and work estimates prior to carrying out any repairs and customized tar and gravel roof repair to your exact requirements and budget.
Advantages of a Tar and Gravel Roofing System
- Durable and long-lasting
- Multi-layered advanced roofing technology offers improved lifespan and easier maintenance
- Easy to repair and maintain
- Attractive appearance – Gravel roofs blend in and enhance windows or decks
- Fire-resistant
- Excellent UV protection
- Cost-effective commercial and residential roofing system
Recognized for its overall value by building owners, roofing technicians and architects alike, Inter Cubes quality manufactured roofing products and extensive built up roofing repair and installation that are backed up with both manufacturer warranties and labor guarantees.
Roof Maintenance Tips
A cost effective investment for residential and commercial property owners, protect your investment in a tar and gravel roof with regular repair and maintenance from Inter Cubes
- Sign up for an annual licensed roof inspection and a complete evaluation following an extreme weather conditions such as a windstorm, snowstorm or heavy rain.
- Visually inspect your tar and gravel roof whenever possible to check for cracks or surface bubbling or other signs of wear and tear. Contact Inter Cubes for prompt and certified roof repair to extend roof lifespan and steer clear of costly roof repairs which could have been avoided.
Contact Us Today
The best way to keep your tar and gravel roof in its best possible condition for years to come is to act fast and contact Inter Cubes as soon as you suspect that there’s a problem.
Let us help you with your roof